Saturday, 27 July 2013

I'm still alive

I started this blog last year as a venting/coping tool then lost the connection and subsequently forgot.

My counsellor tells me that venting is a good form of expression.  To let out all the bad stuff and breathe.

With the type of over analysing constantly firing brain I have, I've discovered this is true. I have been discovering a lot about myself recently that I never really thought was my thing but is.

With that my issues are simple and are the following
Social agoraphobia
Panic/anxiety disorder
Mood disorder with fluctuates between happy and sad but isn't Bi polar but on the spectrum

I also have an issue with impulse control. I put myself in situations I am uncomfortable with some times to shock myself. Thats how they do it right?

So venting will happen. You've been warned. 

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